Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Unemployed Americans: Obama Should Acknowledge True Number of Unemployed (ContributorNetwork)

President Barack Obama will address the nation after Labor Day on jobs and the economy. Yahoo! Contributors asked Americans what they'd like to hear from him. Below are some responses.

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When President Obama takes to the national airwaves in early September to highlight his latest jobs plan for getting Americans back to work, he will, of course, have several audiences. Some of the people most eager to hear what he has to say in the context of job creation are those currently unemployed. Below are the compiled thoughts and concerns of some Americans from around the country.

"I would love to hear a state by state [comparison] of job numbers creation. Not the percentage of unemployed because that isn't correct. Whoever is the lowest state should have government funding taken away for not creating a minimum amount of jobs by population." -- Sandy Hall, Daytona Beach, Fla.

"I would like to see some motivation to get private-sector companies hiring, and do it with conviction. I come from the financial services field. Financial institutions were responsible for the mess, got bailed out, and are still not accountable for rehiring those whom they flung into unemployment. In addition, I would like to see the issue of the 'mature' workers' plight addressed. The numbers reflect the fact that those 40 and older are the slowest to get rehired. Health issues will continue to affect the unemployed. No health coverage means no doctor visits, which means less healthy people." -- Pamela Kennedy Vernocchi, Brooklyn, N.Y.

"I would like to hear [President Obama] say businesses who hire people who are currently unemployed would receive a tax break. That might cut down on the number of businesses who only hire people who already have a job." -- Dennis Harden

"I want to hear there will be a Tier 5 of unemployment compensation of all of the 99ers. My girlfriend and I are hurting big-time because I can't find a job. I just have to sort of detach myself [from the anxiety] or I'd go insane." -- Jeff Wohnsiedler, Shamokin, Pa.

"I would like to hear him acknowledge the 99ers and how many we are. And admit there is no way jobs can be created quick enough for all unemployed. Those of us out the longest, going without benefits the longest, want to hear there will be help on the way in the form of an extension. Many 99ers have already lost everything, now we just want, and need, to survive. I have a 4-year-old who needs to eat. It is very hard not to live in fear. The only way I see to alleviate that fear is to create jobs." -- Angela Loreto DeMeyer, New York

"I would like to hear about Tier 5 in unemployment and a real count of those underemployed and the people that just gave up instead of the numbers of people who can still draw benefits." -- Susan Caprez, Watervilet, Mich.

"I am working a few hours a week in fast food, and I have an accounting degree. I want to know what can be done to bring the good jobs back. Sometimes it's not enough just to have a job, although I am thankful to be working at all." -- Natasha Marakhovska, Newberg, Ore.

"Maybe something about building more. The infrastructure in America is crumbling in some areas, but we can't find jobs for people to fix roads and bridges? Some of my friends and I would grab a good job building roads or something from the green economy we hear about but don't see anything happening with. Everyone benefits from jobs that build infrastructure. Reverse the tax cuts for the rich and use the money to start building America for the future." -- Alex Jefferson, Portland, Ore.

"What do I have to do to get a job? Where do I need to go, what do I have to say, who do I have to talk to? It's been nine months, and I'm not having any luck at all. And then there are those people who say, 'You can always get a job at McDonald's.' Yes, and support my family? I am in construction, but I'm getting older. It's hard to find a company that will give someone my age the chance to start again with them, when there are so many young guys who are hungry out there." -- Carl Edward, Denver

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/obama/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/ac/20110829/us_ac/9034793_unemployed_americans_obama_should_acknowledge_true_number_of_unemployed

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