Monday, October 15, 2012

Online Debate: K-Pop is the Future of Music Industry |

4 comments have been posted on this debate. Showing 1 through 4 records.

It'd also be best if you specified what timeframe you mean when you talk about the "future" of the music industry. just because something is popular doesn't mean it's the future of music. Friday isn't the future of music. And today's popular music is more the person's image than actual talent Why not?
This is business. If there is 788 million, there are a lot people who like it. Even haters are big part of popularity of those artists. They watch it, they hate it and spread it around the net. Just beiber- baby Ft ludicrous: 788 million views.

Does that mean women who look like men singing shitty love songs that say one word over and over again are the future of the music buisness?


born this way foundation lytro camera lytro camera andrew brietbart branson mo monkees songs danica patrick

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